Thursday, June 14, 2012


There was no time for a sleepin this morning. I had important things to do in preparation for our holiday in New Zealand. Some clothes needed a turn in the drier as the weather has been wet. Suitcases were opened and filled. The fridge was emptied. The cat food was organized . We had lunch and then it was down to the last bits and pieces. I hopped into the car and did a mental notes of what I had packed and then realized that we had not put in the passports. Luckily we did this before we left home. My new suitcases both weighed in under the limit, so there will be room for shopping.
The trip up to Perth was very wet and windy. I had the back seat, so just hung on and read my Ipad. We had tea at DD's and then tried to watch some telly. At ten oclock we finally set off for the airport and we got through the formalities very quickly. Now we are just sitting and waiting for our boarding call. I think I will be asleep very soon as it is way past my bedtime.

The latest announcement was that we will not be leaving until half past one in the morning.

Location:Perth Airport

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